Saying yes to customers - our new simplified demo

Recently when a prospect asked us to make changes to the hosted dialer demo so that he could connect agents to the demo via normal phone lines (PSTN), our first instinct was to refuse. We were up to our ears in engineering work. We had no experience operating dialers in this fashion. We also felt that we were unlikely to get many clients that would connect agents via PSTN due to the phone expense involved.


Hosted VICIdial Demo with sip phones

If the phone number you gave us at registration is amongst 35 low cost destinations, you will receive a call on that number when you login as an agent. If not, you must use a SIP phone to take the demo. This tutorial briefs you on how to use the Hosted VICIdial Demo with a SIP phone. It will make most sense to someone who has some experience operating a predictive / auto dialer.


VICIdial demo using external phones

This tutorial briefs you on how to use the Hosted VICIdial Demo. It will make most sense to someone who has some experience operating a predictive / auto dialer.


New VoIP preferences/reports settings

VoIP preferences/reports page allows you to configure options/services for your phone system. Daily call reports, transactions, configure your SIP settings, manage alerts, reverse call service, order a DID are some services provided by it. We have recently added few more capabilities to out VoIP service which are explained here.


Why OwnPages?

OwnPages PBX, Mail and Contact Centre system focuses on software customization rather than shiny new hardware. It is a hybrid Amazon EC2 hosted/ inhouse virtualized solution that lets you start fast and at dramatically lower cost. OwnPages lets you outsource your headaches while still maintaining control of your systems.


Hosted VICIdial Demo

This tutorial briefs you on how to use the Hosted VICIdial Demo. It will make most sense to someone who has some experience operating a predictive / auto dialer.


Tutorial: Creating users and extensions in OwnPages

OwnPages modifies Asterisk GUI to separate the concept of user and extension. In Ownpages a user is a person or a role that can have one email address but multiple PBX extensions. It allows you create users and extensions and to associate a user with one or more extensions. Below is a brief tutorial on creating users and extensions in OwnPages.


Tutorial: Adding new outgoing service (trunk) in OwnPages using Asterisk GUI

After OwnPages is set-up, the Asterisk instance in the OwnPages server is started and you are ready to make outgoing calls. OwnPages provides you with default trunk (outgoing phone service) through which you can make your outgoing calls. This post shows how you can use Asterisk GUI to create a new trunk in OwnPages if you have another outgoing service provider or want to add a phone gateway.


Howto speed up agi in asterisk with inetd

Asterisk's AGI interface performance issues can be a limiting factor in high performance installations. This post details how we used agi+inetd for a 4x improvement in calls per second (cps) with minimal change in our agi code


Realtime Asterisk GUI Patch

Asterisk GUI is a web frontend for managing Asterisk PBX. One of the limitations of the GUI is that it reads/writes extensions only from users.conf, because of this realtime extensions cannot be managed from the GUI. This patch enables the gui to manage realtime SIP extensions.


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