New VoIP preferences/reports settings
VoIP preferences/reports page allows you to configure options/services for your phone system. Daily call reports, transactions, configure your SIP settings, manage alerts, reverse call service, order a DID are some services provided by it. We have recently added few more capabilities to out VoIP service which are explained here.
Newly added VoIP features
These features are configurable at VoIP preferences/reports page except for Return call service which is enabled by default. Each of these features will be discussed in detail below.
Newly added VoIP features
These features are configurable at VoIP preferences/reports page except for Return call service which is enabled by default. Each of these features will be discussed in detail below.
Set Outgoing Caller-Id
The caller-id set at your PBX/dialer is usually overridden by OwnPages. Normally outgoing caller-id is set to your incoming number if you have one or as per return call service if you do not. For more advanced caller-id settings go to
preference/reports => Outgoing calling preferences => Set outgoing caller-id.
pictorial view of 'outgoing caller-id' in preferences/reports page.
view image in larger window.
You can set caller-id for all or specific destinations. Choose among various caller-id settings provided each of which are explained below.
preference/reports => Outgoing calling preferences => Set outgoing caller-id.
pictorial view of 'outgoing caller-id' in preferences/reports page.

You can set caller-id for all or specific destinations. Choose among various caller-id settings provided each of which are explained below.
- EXISTING : Pass to PSTN the caller-id set at your pbx/dialer. For eg in a dialer, set the caller-id of your choice and the same will be shown to the called party.
- RANDOM : Sets a random caller-id. Mainly for use by automated dialers
- SET : Select this option if you want set caller-id of your choice regardless of what is set at your PBX/dialer.
It is also possible to set caller-id as a local number of the country to which call is made. This is not provided as an option, but you can enable this option by sending a request to
Eg: I want to set random caller-id to all outgoing calls to UK and 1800111112 to all US numbers and 1800999999 to rest of the outgoing numbers.
Following entries have to be made to in 'Destination no' and 'Caller-id settings ' field in order to obtain these settings.
1. Random caller-id for all UK numbers.
Destination no : 'Enter destination number' => 44 (ISD code for UK)
Caller-id settings : 'RANDOM'
2. 1800111112 as caller-id for all US numbers.
Destination no : 'Enter destination number' => 1 (ISD code for US)
Caller-id settings : 'SET' => 1800111112
3. 1800999999 as caller-id for all outgoing calls.
Destination no : 'ALL'
Caller-id settings : 'SET' => 1800999999
If your caller-id preferences are not set then your incoming DID number will be passed as the caller-id if you have one. And if you don't have a DID and haven't set caller-id preferences then the caller-id set for your outgoing calls depends upon the client category i.e call-center clients would have random caller-id set and for rest of the clients the caller-id set would be a local number of the country to which call is made (wherever possible).
Non call-center clients can also use our Return call service explained in brief below.
Return call service
Using our service you can receive incoming calls even if you don't have an incoming DID number. Suppose you don't have an incoming DID number and haven't set your caller-id preference discussed above then when you make an outgoing call, the caller-id displayed to called party would be a local number of the country to which the call is made. The called party can then call you back by dialing the number which appeared on his/her screen. You have to dial the phone just once for the called party to be able to call you back for life from that phone. Its like having an incoming number without having to pay monthly rent for it but you would be charged per minute basis for a return call.
Return call feature is not available for call-center clients.
Non call-center clients can also use our Return call service explained in brief below.
Return call service
Using our service you can receive incoming calls even if you don't have an incoming DID number. Suppose you don't have an incoming DID number and haven't set your caller-id preference discussed above then when you make an outgoing call, the caller-id displayed to called party would be a local number of the country to which the call is made. The called party can then call you back by dialing the number which appeared on his/her screen. You have to dial the phone just once for the called party to be able to call you back for life from that phone. Its like having an incoming number without having to pay monthly rent for it but you would be charged per minute basis for a return call.
Return call feature is not available for call-center clients.
Set incoming number format
You can set the format in which your incoming number arrives at your PBX/dialer. Also known as DNIS, it tells you which number was dialed by the caller. It is useful when you have multiple DID numbers terminating on a single device, thus showing you which number was dialed, based on which you can take appropriate action.To set incoming format goto
Eg: if 'incoming format' field for a incoming DID number 442033938011 is set to 2033938011 then number which arrives at your device will be 2033938011 when 442033938011 is called.
Set no of incoming channels
VoIP preference/reports => Incoming Numbers => Incoming PSTN numbers (DID).
Set the incoming format value against that DID and click on change.
Set the incoming format value against that DID and click on change.
pictorial view of 'outgoing caller-id' in preferences/reports page.
view image in larger window.

Set no of incoming channels
For setting number of channels goto
preferences/reports => Incoming Numbers sectionWe provide incoming numbers charged on a per minute as well as per channel basis. E.g. 5 channels will allow 5 simultaneous calls to the same DID number. For DIDs that are charged on a per channel basis, you can set the number of channels here.Set the 'no of channels' field for that DID and click on change.