Realtime Asterisk GUI Patch
Asterisk GUI is a web frontend for managing Asterisk PBX. One of the limitations of the GUI is that it reads/writes extensions only from users.conf, because of this realtime extensions cannot be managed from the GUI. This patch enables the gui to manage realtime SIP extensions.
This patch modifies the gui to read users_rt.conf instead of users.conf. The config file users_rt.conf is created by executing the script using #exec method of asterisk. The script reads extensions from database and users.conf.
This realtime GUI is not suitable for large Asterisk PBX systems with more than 250 extensions.
The patch can be downloaded from here.
Installing Asterisk GUI
The latest asterisk gui source is available using SVN
svn checkout asterisk-gui
The README file in the asterisk-gui source directory gives detailed instructions to install and enable asterisk gui.
Patching Asterisk GUI
1. Change to asterisk-gui source directory and apply the patch
cd asterisk-gui/
patch -p0 < rtsipextens_patch.txt
make install
2. Edit the value of following variables in
DBType = Type of database (PostgreSQL or MySQL)
DBName = Database name
DBUser = Username to connect to the database
DBPass = Password to connect to the database
DBHost = Host on which database is running
UsersTable = Table containing your user information
Ast_config_path = Path of asterisk config files
Copy to your scripts directory
cp /var/lib/asterisk/scripts/.
Copy rtsipextens.html and rtsipextens.js to the asterisk web directory
cp rtsipextens.html /var/lib/asterisk/static-http/config/.
cp rtsipextens.js /var/lib/asterisk/static-http/config/js/.
Copy users_rt.conf to your asterisk config files directory
cp users_rt.conf /etc/asterisk/.
3. Enable #exec in config files.
Add the line 'execincludes = yes' in asterisk.conf and reload asterisk.
The GUI will now have a link 'Realtime SIP Extensions' from where you can manage realtime SIP extensions.
This patch modifies the gui to read users_rt.conf instead of users.conf. The config file users_rt.conf is created by executing the script using #exec method of asterisk. The script reads extensions from database and users.conf.
This realtime GUI is not suitable for large Asterisk PBX systems with more than 250 extensions.
The patch can be downloaded from here.
Installing Asterisk GUI
The latest asterisk gui source is available using SVN
svn checkout asterisk-gui
The README file in the asterisk-gui source directory gives detailed instructions to install and enable asterisk gui.
Patching Asterisk GUI
1. Change to asterisk-gui source directory and apply the patch
cd asterisk-gui/
patch -p0 < rtsipextens_patch.txt
make install
2. Edit the value of following variables in
DBType = Type of database (PostgreSQL or MySQL)
DBName = Database name
DBUser = Username to connect to the database
DBPass = Password to connect to the database
DBHost = Host on which database is running
UsersTable = Table containing your user information
Ast_config_path = Path of asterisk config files
Copy to your scripts directory
cp /var/lib/asterisk/scripts/.
Copy rtsipextens.html and rtsipextens.js to the asterisk web directory
cp rtsipextens.html /var/lib/asterisk/static-http/config/.
cp rtsipextens.js /var/lib/asterisk/static-http/config/js/.
Copy users_rt.conf to your asterisk config files directory
cp users_rt.conf /etc/asterisk/.
3. Enable #exec in config files.
Add the line 'execincludes = yes' in asterisk.conf and reload asterisk.
The GUI will now have a link 'Realtime SIP Extensions' from where you can manage realtime SIP extensions.